I suppose most of you have already created a Facebook group or belong in one. But, did you know that you could have a secret group that only you and some people you choose could view, making it secret? Let's see how to do this below.
Follow these steps:
Remember: When your group hits 250 people, you can only change it to Closed or Secret if it's Open, or Secret if it's Closed! That's the last time you'll be able to change the group's privacy settings.
Follow these steps:
- Log into your Facebook account.
- Create a group by clicking on the "Create Group" button on the left side menu.
- After you've finished creating the group, it's time to make secret.
- Click the gear icon on the top right of the group and select "Edit Group Settings".
- Choose the privacy otion you want under the Privacy section. You can choose between Open(anyone can see and join the group), Closed(anyone can ask permission to join the group or can be invited by a member) and Secret(the one you want; anyone can join if they are added; only members can see the group).
- When you are done, click "Save".
Remember: When your group hits 250 people, you can only change it to Closed or Secret if it's Open, or Secret if it's Closed! That's the last time you'll be able to change the group's privacy settings.
Must Read: 5 Facebook Secrets you must know.
For more information on Groups visit Facebook Help Center's section.
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