Monday, November 18, 2013

How to add "Bullet" points to Facebook posts

Bullets are the symbols that helps to insert certain sentences in a point wise manner. The bullets in Facebook will help draw the attention to specific points in your communication. 
Using a combination of keys on your keyboard will add the bullets and you can easily type the point wise information in Facebook.

Whether it is a status update or while chatting, there is a way to add some bullets to your point wise discussions.

The simple steps that you can try using keyboard shortcuts are:

  • Log in to your Facebook account
  • Click in the text area where you want to add the bullets 
  • Press "Alt" key and press "7" number key on your keyboard
  • The black bullet appears in the text box
  • Now you can start typing the first point
  • Then again use the above keys for the second bullet ,and  so on
 Simple and easy way to add bulleted list to your conversation or posts.

adding bullets in posts or chat, bullets in Facebook, Keyboard shortcuts to add bulleted list


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