Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Tip #25 - How to : Use Facebook on Mobile Phones and Tablets

road pic
I understand you use Facebook to update your status and chat with your friends from home. But, today we'll discuss how you can keep up to date with the Facebook world from your mobile devices. What are the most popular facebook mobile applications?

-Use Facebook on most mobile devices

For most mobile devices you can simply go to and facebook will automatically change appearance to fit the smaller screen of a phone or tablet.

facebook mobile pic

-Use Facebook on your Android device

For android smartphones and tablets there is an official Facebook app that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

facebook android pic

What you can do with this app? Well, pretty much anything you could do on your computer:
  • See what your friends are up to
  • Update your status
  • Share photos and videos
  • Chat
  • Play games and use your favorite apps
  • ...and so much more.

-Use Facebook on your iOS device

Of course Apple users have their official Facebook application too, for their iPhones and iPads.

facebook iphone ipad ios pic

-Use Facebook on your Windows Phone device

Windows Phone users won't be dissapointed, either. Microsoft has publiced a facebook app to fit the needs of its users. As always, you can easily stay in touch with your friends, comment, share, like. Well, whatever it is you do on the biggest social networking site in the world.

windows phone 8 logo pic

facebook windows phone 8 pic

If you are in the minority of people using devices with other operating systems like Blackberry and stuff, sorry and please change. Just kidding or...

Hope you liked our tips on Facebook mobile apps. Comment below and have fun.

android, Facebook, facebook tips, ios, ipad, iphone, phone, tips


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