Sunday, November 17, 2013

Best Facebook Tips and Tricks 2013 (Updated)

best facebook tips tricks hacks pic
You may have already read a previous post on best facebook tips and tricks for 2013. As four months have passed since that post, we have decided to create a new list with updated and even more awesome facebook tips, tricks and hacks. Are you ready to discover the deepest facebook secrets and enhance your social networking experience? If so, find our tips below.

Ultimate Facebook Tips, Tricks and Hacks List 2013

  1. Fake Location on Facebook

    This is a really cool trick. If done correctly, you can fool your friends into thinking you checked in from a mobile device and from a place of your choice. Find out how to fake your location.
    fake location pic

  2. Enable Pirate Mode

    Ready to try something different? Enable pirate mode on facebook and feel like a real pirate. Argh!
    pirate mode pic

  3. Customize Facebook

    If you ever get bored by the default facebook layout, you can easily customize it following the tips on this guide.
    customize facebook pic

  4. Block and Unblock People

    I guess there are always some really annoying people on facebook bothering you all the time. Luckily, you can block those friends. And if you ever change your mind you can easily unblock them.
    block unblock people pic

  5. Clear Facebook Search History

    Did you know that facebook keeps your search history? So, if you are afraid that someone might gain access to your profile and view this search history, clear it using our guide.
    clear facebook search history pic

  6. Log Out of Facebook Automatically

    You may forget to log out of facebook from times to times. It can happen to anybody. To dodge this bullet though, you can follow our guide on how to log out of facebook automatically.
    log out facebook automatically pic

  7. Create Facebook Timeline Covers

    Having a nice facebook timeline cover can really make your profile stand out. So, read our tips on how to create your own timeline covers.
    create facebook timeline cover pic

  8. Hide Status Updates from Friends

    Posting status updates is one of the most common things people do on facebook. But, if you want to hide some of your status updates from certain friends, be sure to check this guide out.
    hide status updates pic

  9. Create Photo Collage of Facebook Friends

    You may have seen those beautiful photo collages other users create using profile pictures of their facebook friends. Now, you can create one too. You just have to follow our guide on how to create photo collage of your facebook friends.
    create photo collage facebook friends pic

  10. Download Facebook History

    Ever needed to download your facebook history on your hard drive for future reference? Of course there is a way. Read how to do this here.
    download facebook history pic
Hope you liked our updated tips. Suggest yours in the comment section below.
Have fun!

account, Facebook, facebook tips, facebook tricks, friends, hacks, location, photos, privacy, profile, search, secret, Security, status, status updates, timeline, timeline cover, tips, tricks, updates


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