Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tip #29 - How to : Remove Facebook ads

stop remove facebook ads pic
We all miss the good old times, when Facebook didn't have these annoying ads popping up everywhere. So, if you want to enhance your experience and remove facebook advertisements read our awesome tips below.
You can easily get rid of Facebook ads using one of the following tips:

  • Use Greasemonkey and Facebook: Cleaner : You can easily remove Facebook ads with Greasemonkey and Facebook: Cleaner. Just add greasemonkey to firefox and then use the facebook:cleaner script.

But, it might be trickier to follow the above tip. Fortunately, you can also:
  • Use F.B. Purity add-on for firefox. With F.B. Purity you can hide ads and app spam from your news feed.
    facebook purity addon
Must Read: 5 Facebook Addons, Extensions and Apps for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
  • The easiest and univesal solution would be to install one of the popular adblock add-ons and extensions for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
    mozilla firefox google chrome
  • List of adblock add-ons for firefox and extensions for chrome.
Hope you found our tips and tricks easy to follow and got rid of those annoying facebook advertisements.
Comment below and have fun.

account, ads, chrome, Facebook, facebook tips, facebook tricks, firefox, hacks, profile, tips, tricks


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