Monday, December 2, 2013

Instead of "Hide All" now click "Unfollow" option to hide unwanted updates from News Feed

Whenever there are posts which are unwanted in the Facebook News Feed, an option called "Hide All" was used for doing so. Now Facebook has mentioned in their latest news updates that the option "Hide All" will be replaced by a new one called "Unfollow". 
As stated in Mashable and Techcrunch, Facebook will let its users filter certain posts from their News Feed by opting this new option called "Unfollow".

According to the statement made by Facebook spokesperson, the goal of this change is to help Facebook users to curate their News Feed and get a filtered updates in their Feed Stream. 

The changes to this feature will be found in the coming weeks to the desktop users and later on iOS and Android devices. 
Again, if you are following some famous personalities, their updates are also seen in the News Feed. Opting to "Unfollow" will allow you to filter their updates in your news stream. This option will be available right besides the "Friend" and "Message" buttons. Just by clicking "Unfollow" or "Follow" will give you a chance to show or hide their updates. 

Facebook replacing "Hide All" option with "Unfollow" option, Facebook trick to hide certain posts from News Feed, Facebook updates, Latest news from Facebook


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