Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Now speak with Facebook and convert your speech into action - Thanks to Wit.ai

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Ever thought of any tool that can convert your speech into action!! 

Till now people were talking about WhatsApp, which was acquired by Facebook. Now it's time of sending speech data which will convert into action. Great news!!

Now its time to welcome the new thoughts that can convert un-imaginary work into real ones. Facebook, the biggest Social Media Network, has once again spread its wings to join hands with the upcoming technology , called Wit.ai,  

People must be wondering about the name itself. Let me tell you in brief some basic points about Wit.ai. 

Wit.ai is a platform that turns human speech into an action. Like , for example, if you say "Turn the lights on at 7 pm", then it learns what users say and extracts the useful information and converts this into an action. Be it any command, it gives the necessary output in action. 

Very impressive. Right? 

Now coming to the point, Wit.ai has joined hands with Facebook, as it has the talent and resources to help the new company to take a new step. As Facebook has millions of users, the technology that understands its users' needs via speech is a big step. 

Wit.ai, is just 18 months fresh one to start and exists as "an open, distributed, community based platform that makes it easy for developers to build apps that users can talk to," as per the team that runs the operation. 


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