Sunday, August 28, 2011

Short And Awesome Flirt Quotes For Facebook Status -3

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I have had a really bad day and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So, would you smile for me?     

Can't wait until tomorrow, because I bet that you get more and more beautiful everyday.

My heart to you is given; Oh, do give yours to me; we'll lock them up together and throw away the key.

If you are gong my way I will walk with you.

I wish dreams were like wishes and wishes came true because in my dreams I am always with you. 

Baby, you are everything I never knew I always wanted.

Do you have a map? Because I just keep getting lost in your eyes.

Are your legs tired, because you've been running through my mind all day long.

Excuse me, can you empty your pockets? I believe you have stolen my heart.

If kisses were snowflakes, I'd send you a blizzard.

I saw a flower this morning and I thought it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen until a gazed upon you.

I know I don’t have a chance, but I just wanted to hear an angel talk. 

Hey I just realized this, but you look allot like my next girlfriend.

What does it feel like to be the most beautiful girl in this room?

Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

Your dad must have been a thief because he stole all the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes

Its not my fault that I fell for you, you tripped me! 

Flirting is the art of making a man feel pleased with himself.

I would fly you to the moon and back if you’ll be . . . if you’ll be my baby. 

All women are flirts, but some are restrained by shyness and others by sense.

Flirting is the art of keeping intimacy at a safe distance.

Single and looking… anyone wanna be found?

Can not wait until tomorrow, because I bet that you get more and more beautiful everyday.

Can I borrow a quarter? What for?

I want to call my mother and tell her I just met the girl of my dreams.

What time do you have to be back in heaven?

Are you tired? because you’ve been running through my mind all day. 

Every night I go home crying because I’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see you again. 

Short And Awesome Flirt Quotes For Facebook Status -2

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Some say there are more. Some say everything in life is a wonder. But to me, There is only one... You!

It's not my fault that I fell for you, you tripped me!

Roses are red Violets are blue The sun is hot And so are you

Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me?

I have had a really bad day today and it always makes me feel better to see a pretty girl smile. So, would you please smile for me?

If your heart was a prison, I would like to be sentenced for life.

You’re so sweet there’s a wanted poster for you at the candy store.

Oops! I lost my mobile number! Could I have yours? 

Are you lost ma’am? Because heaven is a long way from here.

Let make it short and simple, I love you.

I’m an organ donor, need anything?

If your heart was a prison, I would like to be sentenced for life.

Is that love I see in your eyes, or merely a reflection of mine?

Let’s not get engaged, not just yet.

Let's commit the perfect crime, I'll steal your heart, and you steal mine.

Falling in love with you was the easiest thing I've done in my life.

If you were a tear I would never dare to cry. I might lose you!

My friend wants to know if you think I'm hot

From A to Z all that really matters is U and I.

Are you tired? Because you have been running through my mind all day.

Did the sun come out or did you just smile at me?

If beauty were time, you'd be eternity.



Short And Awesome Flirt Quotes for Facebook Status - 1

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The only ONE(1) for(4) me is YOU(3)  

Flirtation=Attention without Intention.

The spaces between your fingers are meant to be filled with mine.

If nothing lasts for ever, will you be my nothing?

Loving you is like breathing; How can I stop?

Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?

If nothing lasts for ever, will you be my nothing?

A woman will flirt with anyone in the world as long as other people are looking on.

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet but nothing compared to you.

There must be something wrong with my eyes, I can't take them off you.

Roses are red, violets are Blue, Sugar is Sweet but nothing compared to U.

I hope your day is as radiant as your Smile.

The shortest word for me is I

The sweetest word for me is LOVE

You remind me of my next Girlfriend.

My friend wants to know if you think I am hot 

Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again ?

Beauty is power and a smile is its sword.

I get the best feeling in the world when you say HI or smile at me, because I know that even for a second that I've crossed your mind.

Every morning I wake up happy because I know I will see you.

Every night I go home crying because I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see you again.

Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?

If someone was to write a story about my life, the climax would be when I met you. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Facebook Status Tricks / Use iPhone ,iPad3 ,BlackBerry & More Symbols in Fb Status

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Hello friends i just found this apps ,its amazing , Make your friends fool by using this apps , I just use iPad3 to update my status , actually i use my normal PC but using this apps , I posted my every status via iPad3 , try it and impress girls and make your friend fool , I am sure you like this apps and you will get more comments and likes on your status. 

  BlackBerry Torch        

Enjoy apps, If you like my blog or you don't like thn plzz give your Review and comments, Its help to improve blog .. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How To Delete Facebook Account Permanently And Immediately

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Many of facebook users don't know 
how Delete Facebook Account Permanently 
and Immediately, I just found easy method to delete facebook account Permanently .
You don't need to do any thing just Open below Link.

( Open this Link )

 after that you will see this image

 Click on submit button after that you will see this image 

Click On Okay Button and this image pop up 

Click on Okay and your Account will be Permanently Delete within 14 days

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

HIde and Unhide Recent Activity on Facebook

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Facebook is biggest social networking site in the world , Mostly friends and family members in friend list Sometime you comment on your love once or on your friends, whatever you don’t want that other peoples and your friends see it 
I like to share easy method to hide your recent activity on fb, go on your profile select which activity do you want to hide , select activity and click on ( X) like below picture

After that you can see like this below picture

Click on Hide all , now you done it , your recent activity is hide .

If you want to unhide it than just scroll dawn and you will see Edit Option

Click on Edit Option  and a window open like below picture

Click on (X)( Remove) and save it you have done it , you Unhide  Recent Activity on Facebook.

Revert to the Old Fb Chat Box / Get Back Old FB Chat Box

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Facebook all time give best , but this time I don't like new chat box , I love old fb chat box and not me many of peoples still love old FB Chat Box  and want get it back,I  have two method to get back old facebook chat box without downloading any software and applications in your  PC and in Web browsers.

Method - 1
1). Login in Facebook
2).Open New Tab or New Window
3).  = Copy this link in New Tab or in New window 
    That's it you Done it now Enjoy Old Facebook Chat Box 

Method -2
Get Old Fb chat box in Sidebar in Mozilla Firefox
1). Go to Bookmarks
2). Make New Bookmark ( If you don't find new bookmark option than open Bookmarks window 
     and right click anywhere in it , you get New bookmark option)
3). In New book mark 
      Name                Old Fb Chat Box or Anything you Like
      Tags                   blank
      Keywords         blank
      Description        blank
After Description there is one sentence  (Load this bookmark in sidebar) mark in box now Add it and Enjoy Old Fb Chat Box in Sidebar  ( Ctr+B = you get sidebar)
             This is Best way to using Old Facebook Chat Box without download any apps and software in pc . If you like my post than give your view and comments ,if you know another method than share it to with me and with other Fb user.

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